
Sunday, January 10, 2010

For the writer and singer of Dear Mr. Future song...


She found him . Or should I say he found her?
Either way, I'm glad she is finally happy.

I've been reading her words, singing her songs for the past years since senikatawati is still available for public. Words cannot tell how much she inspires me with her writings and songs. And I cannot describe how I rise from fall with her writings by my side. God knows.

The moment I heard the breaking news, I could not help myself but to smile and feel very happy for her. I even nearly burst out into tears of joy! Funny kan, considering that we've never met each other. But yes, that's how I felt. I remembered those time when I wrote
this for her. Ya, sampai tahap itu dia menjadi sumber kekuatan hati saya sampaikan saya jadi takut bila melihat dia tampak sedikit goyah.

Dear Wani, congratulations on the engagement. I pray that everything will be alright and you both will always be happy together. True, there is no guarantee of tomorrow. But insyaAllah, with all the prayers from your loved ones, things will be great.

Now that she had found her Dear Mr. Future, I believe Gelas Kaca Separuh Penuh is out there too. *smile*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melody sayang, awak ada sejak zaman saya penuh, zaman saya hancur, hingga zaman saya terbit semula. Apalah yang dapat saya beri selain ucapan terima kasih dan doa saya pada Allah agar awak dirahmati dengan kebahagiaan yang paling tinggi. :')